Friday, December 12, 2008

getFaultAsString( ) in SOA version and wonderful JDev

Why I write this?

When one of my team members questioned that getFaultAsString( ) was shown as invalid in JDev that had my bells ringing. He also dig up some posts that were talking about some versions.

Well when I read a few posts after googling them out to say that getFaultAsString( ) had gone and has come back. I wanted to see that in my version of SOA suite.

What did I find out?

A few posts read this feature had disappeared in soa 10.1.3 and has come back in soa
So what the hell is this, do it work or not work.
So does it work with soa version.

Working or not in versions?

soa -> Yes it works
soa after MLR patches -> Yes it works
soa -> Yes it works

Whatz it with JDev?

Jdev -> complains in JDev while creating the assign
Function of name "getFaultAsString" not Found
Just Ignore this and proceed with deployment, it will work in server.

Jdev -> worked!! :)

Links I found

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